What Sort of Man… (?)

2 min readOct 3, 2023


What sort of soldier would be undecided about voting for a candidate who said things to the effect of ’I like heroes who don’t get caught,’ and ‘dead soldiers are losers?’ One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of lawmaker would be undecided about voting for a candidate who said he would suspend the constitution? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of businessman would be undecided about voting for a candidate who cheated many of vendors out of their contracts? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of father would be undecided about voting for a candidate who would joke about dating his own daughter if the circumstances were right? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of patriot would be undecided about voting for a candidate who repeatedly sided with the leaders of the most anti-democratic nations on Earth? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of American would be undecided about voting for a candidate stood at a podium in Washington and incited a crowd to attack the Capitol? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of man would be undecided about voting for a candidate who would brag that he could grab a woman by her private parts? One who would be swayed by reason?

What sort of voter would be undecided about voting for a candidate who stared into an eclipse of the Sun? One who would be swayed by reason?

Answer: I’m not undecided. And we all know what the same answer is to all these questions: not someone who will be swayed by reason. So let’s stop trying to convince them, and just concentrate on doing the right things “to promote the general welfare” and protect the planet for future generations.




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