Prime Words
Like prime numbers, prime words are words that can’t be ‘divided’ by other words… they have no broader, simpler term from which they arose. Cavemen used a lot of them, maybe.
The list below started from a list of 100 basic words for children, if I recall correctly. It came from my work on a hierarchical dictionary: It’s a hard project. The eventual dictionary, while it could conceivably be created manually, would be a great ‘social’ app in which the public randomly was given two words at a time and asked to determine whether one is broader or narrower than the other. In a few days the entire OED dictionary could be so ordered. Yes, there would be loops, but that’s OK.
- a
- about
- after
- and
- answer
- as
- at
- bad
- big
- but
- by
- can
- Copy Wow, the first link from Prime Words (Feb 8, 2011)
- do
- feel
- for
- from
- good
- happen
- have
- I
- if
- is
- like
- love
- long
- may
- must
- my
- no
- not
- of
- off
- oil
- or
- part
- place
- same
- see
- so
- than
- their
- then
- thing
- type
- way
- weather
- which
- you