Now We Know
2 min readApr 4, 2020


… what would happen when Little Donald finally had to face a real crisis.

On Jun 12, 2017, when we watched Trump’s first cabinet meeting and saw each person around the table lick his boots like so many scared-to-death generals at the heels of a dictator, half of the country realized we were seeing a pillar of our constitutional, representative democracy crumble to dust before our very eyes.

And as he subsequently encountered challenges that could be well-served by a real cabinet, many said, “Well, it’s bad and he’ll muddle through difficult situations, but let’s see how he does with a serious threat.”

On March 24, 2019, when the Accomplice General brilliantly cut the legs out from under the Mueller Report by misrepresenting and hiding it, at least 65 million people (those who voted against this whole mess) realized they were witnessing in real time the utter destruction of another pillar of our system, for which which our ancestors pledged their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor”: the rule of law under an independent justice department.

And as the country subsequently encountered challenges that could be well-served by real justice, many said, “Well, it’s bad and we’ll muddle through difficult situations, but let’s see how it works out with a serious threat.”

On Feb 6, 2020 — it was really only a month ago? — when the World’s Greatest Self-Interested Body declined, in a (or ‘an’ as you prefer) historical low-water-mark of selfishness, to understand the future implications of allowing Trump’s crimes and misdemeanors, anyone with any common sense realized we were watching our Grand Experiment essentially transition from a republic to a demi-constitutional monarchy. The hell with the king; God save us.

And as the country subsequently encountered challenges that could be well-served by a truly representative government with a competent manager at the helm, many said, “Well, it’s bad and we’ll muddle through difficult situations, but let’s see how the king and his henchmen and royal family handle a serious threat.”

Now we know.

In the greatest “poetic irony” — a deadly pandemic can’t be labeled any form of ‘justice’ — the ultimate anti-science figurehead on the entire planet has done more than any single person with the exception of China’s king-for-life, to put us all in at mortal risk. Go figure.

The boot-licking cabinet members? Guilty.

The abominable snowman of Justice? Guilty.

The self-serving Senate members? Guiltiest, without the slightest shred of reasonable doubt… because their job, as defined in the most important part of the constitution, is to protect the system they swore to defend, from what has just happened: total, selfish, and reckless mismanagement.



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