I have discovered the first two words and they are

2 min readFeb 15, 2021


Yes and no. No, you didn’t have to register for an account, or accept the terms of agreement, or fill out the survey, or read the whole article — I hope. It’s such a great discovery that I’m giving away the punchline in the first three words. You’re welcome. The first 2 prime words are yes and no.

It took me all of my near 65 years. Did someone discover them before me? That’s what all explorers ask? This is the era of the Internet, so the odds of writing something heretofore unwritten — not finding it on the web — are basically impossible. Everything has been thought, everything written, and all written things recorded in the cybersphere.

And of course you’re wondering what ‘prime words’ are. They’re the original words, the first concepts, the first instances of thoughts being encoded into nerve cells. Prime words are words you can’t subdivide into smaller, simpler words. I discovered those, too, until or unless someone tells me otherwise. If they do, I readily defer to them. So, yes and no are the beginning of conceptual thought. As soon as cells became sensate, the mother of all senses was, “go toward” or “go away,” yes or no. And that primordial notion became encoded as an abstract. And that abstract was Yes and No. And life was good. And bad.

And so it might have gone for a few hundred thousand years. And then along came some organism that mutated into one that divided brain nerve patterns into more than just two paths. And words — thoughts — were not just born but selected.

Perhaps it took another few hundred thousand years before an alternative to the yes/no dichotomy occurred: something other than yes or no. Maybe. Or things that simply didn’t fit into a Yes or No box. Well, that must have been quite a time… nuance. Some things are yes/no, and others are other than yes/no. And so started the tree of thought. The endless complexity of the human brain. Prime words. Yes, no.




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